Session 1

TeamsHeatPoints over allSpeed weaversSocks and bucketsPony PairsHug a mugHula hoopFlag fliersPenalty PointsSumPoints over all
Katie Dawson-Spencer & Mike Roberts139676677-3939
Katie Dees & Finlay Green133765555-3333
Jamie Riva & Abigail King114313142-1414
Harriet Eyre & Eddie Surman116124423-1616
Will & Paige Robinson136557766-3636
Alex Edwards & Hazel Rutherford110231211-1010
Ellie Jane Kerr & Jodi Goddard120442334-2020
TeamsHeatPoints over allSpeed weaversSocks and bucketsPony PairsHug a mugHula hoopFlag fliersPenalty PointsSumPoints over all
Luke Grimshaw & Thomas Forsythe215232332-1515
Vicky Riva & Calum Leach230465654-3030
Grey James & Freddie Harris237576577-3737
James Allen & Harry Willis227753246-2727
Holly Eyre & Phoebe Yorath220324425-2020
Rory & Jack Capel233647763-3333
TeamsHeatPoints over allSpeed weaversSocks and bucketsPony PairsHug a mugHula hoopFlag fliersPenalty PointsSumPoints over all
Oceane Larcher & Chloe Woodley316422323-1616
Janey Surman & Chloe Golding321246432-2121
George Betts & Sam Clements329633665-2929
Megan Marr & Mason Allen324365244-2424
Pete Walters & Eleanor Wheeler333557556-3333
Mitch Lyons & Bradley Stamp339774777-3939
Execution time: 0.6510438919 seconds