Session 1

TeamsHeatPoints over allMugMug Changes5 Peas in a PodBall and coneTyreTwo flag raceFirework FlagSumPoints over all
Evan McClarnan & Owain Lewis10-------00
Rowan Davies & Harry Thomas10-------00
Evie Andrews and William McDonald10-------00
Bonnie James & Tillie Hall10-------00
Phoebe Carvell & Bella Davies10-------00
Evie & Esme Woodall10-------00
Gwen Standing & Olivia Etherington10-------00
TeamsHeatPoints over allMugMug Changes5 Peas in a PodBall and coneTyreTwo flag raceFirework FlagSumPoints over all
Jack Payne & George Simcock20-------00
Chloe Harvey & Ella Norris 20-------00
Ellie Burton and Phoebe Esterling20-------00
Lewis Burton and Archie Holland-Vince20-------00
Ellie & Henry Swann20-------00
Fin & Lexi Rogers20-------00
Execution time: 0.5671617985 seconds