Session 1

TeamsHeatPoints over allSpeed weaversSocks and bucketsCartonLitter ScoopBottle shuttleTwo flag racePony PairsAgility acesBall and coneHiloSumPoints over all
Conor Buckley & Lily May Sheehan13813344555533838
Daniel Collins & Edward Feehan14865566633354848
Donnacha Malone & Faye Warren13044425241223030
Dawn Ladd Finn & Grace Mangan12532211116442525
Robyn Hatton & Charlotte Weld11821132322111818
Sarah Schofield & Adam Beirne15156653464665151
TeamsHeatPoints over allSpeed weaversSocks and bucketsCartonLitter ScoopBottle shuttleTwo flag racePony PairsAgility acesBall and coneHiloSumPoints over all
Jake Branagan & Megan Adams24234622445664242
Lucy Hennessy & Ross Warren22522251224232525
Rachel Crowe & Eva OShaughnessy23266136113143232
Tate Hayes & Emily Feehan23743444561423737
Libby Beirne & Sadhbh Monaghan24955365656354949
Adam Flynn & Will Ladd Finn22511513332512525
Execution time: 0.4031639099 seconds