Session 3

TeamsHeatS. 2Points over allHiloFounders raceMug shuffleBottle exchangeSword lancersHula hoopLitter ScoopBall and coneSumPoints over all
Celina & Mie12334111112311134
Elsa & Asta12442223331221842
Malin & Savannah13352332223131952
TeamsHeatS. 2Points over allHiloFounders raceMug shuffleBottle exchangeSword lancersHula hoopLitter ScoopBall and coneSumPoints over all
Gry & Ellen22440213222311640
Hedvig & Anna23757331333132057
Maja & Fia22840122111221240
TeamsHeatS. 2Points over allHiloFounders raceMug shuffleBottle exchangeSword lancersHula hoopLitter ScoopBall and coneSumPoints over all
Aurora & Sofie34259313331211759
Frederick & Emma34261222223331961
Tone & Silje33345131112121245
Execution time: 0.6224970818 seconds