Session 2

TeamsHeatS. 1Points over allBank raceSword lancersFounders raceAssociation raceLitter liftersBall and coneHooplaPony express5 FlagPenalty PointsSumPoints over all
LA TEAM PADD AVIGNON158111777764717053111
LES SPEEDS1427825461545403678
PMG GRAND SUD1377566034763303875
CBE No Limit1296854545356203968
Best Bond12640123231220-21440
TeamsHeatS. 1Points over allBank raceSword lancersFounders raceAssociation raceLitter liftersBall and coneHooplaPony express5 FlagPenalty PointsSumPoints over all
RED EAGLE PONY MATERIELS2509966374565704999
TEAM PONY MATERIELS CORNE2409177647771505191
All Stars2356323422643202863
TEAM MAINDRU FORESTIER2326731751357303567
EMG 272306014533224603060
LA MAJESTEAM2285945216432403159
La Trot Elite2255252165116002752
Execution time: 0.4997742176 seconds